Bridgie’s Blog

African Child

AFRICAN CHILD”What kind of land will our children receive?What kind of legacy will we leave?Let them be the heirs of peace –And not the sacrifice.”Wrote “African Child” song twenty years ago. Still relevant – if not more so now than ever …

The Greater Reality

Although this was written in 2017, it has become a key moment that continues to sustain and nurture this faith journey. I wish it for everyone. Have you had a moment like this – when the reality of God lifted you? I’d love to hear about it! “Yesterday was the first time I was able…

Becoming Aware of Our Bodies in the Presence of God

This is the first meditation of a 12 Week Path of Worship Beloved of God, as we enter worship, it is important that we become aware of our bodies in the presence of God. The human body is beautifully designed to help us experience God. All of our senses can be engaged as we enter…

A Fox or a Beast

For those on the journey of discernment, I wrote this for Mogomotsi Diutlwileng, in July 2018. There are things in our lives that are either foxes or bulls – in order to bring them under control, we need to discern whether we need to eliminate or subdue them. This is not an easy task. One…

When The Orchids Fall

This has been a hard winter. Many have lost their lives – especially those who work in the medical world. We’re still fighting on many fronts. 75 years ago, in this same season, the world was emerging from a devastating war which had again ripped the world apart. So many young people were lost, giving…

Lockdown Light

BRAND NEW SINGLE – “Lockdown Light”. Douglas and Bridget are very, very excited to share with you a new song called “Lockdown Light”. We wanted to share something that would express our thanks to so many people who have been amazingly inspirational during this period, who have touched our hearts and reminded us of God’s…

The Father’s House

Mary and Joseph must have been amazing parents – but they also must have struggled at times. They even lost Jesus for a couple of days! When they found him again in the Temple teaching all the elders they were astounded, but he was surprised that they had not looked for him there first. So…

Angel Lullaby

Bridget’s Mum, Jane Tinniswood, was always big on saying, “I love you!” and goodbyes were lengthy affairs. This song is dedicated to her memory – and the immense love she shared with so many – and it was one of her favourite songs.

Carry Me in Arms of Grace

Arms of Grace, the title track from Bridget’s second album, finds its inspiration from Deuteronomy 33:27a: “The Eternal God is your Refuge and underneath are the Everlasting Arms”. There is such a deep peace in knowing that we are carried by God through all things, even if we can’t always perceive it. It also reminds…

Morning Star

Christ is called the Morning Star. When the night is coldest and darkest, the Morning Star appears to bring us hope. This is the title track of the first album and by far most people’s favourite.


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